Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Have you heard of

I was introduced to the Houseparty site a while ago and have had a great time applying to upcoming parties. I love a good party! I am one of those people who looks for any reason to celebrate even if its only for a few hours, Sporty is student of the month - I plan a great family dinner and invite his friends, some neighbors and some extended family. Yum Yum said a new word I'm in the kitchen baking a cake from scratch with the new word written in yummy frosting.

DH is soo good about me throwing impromptu gatherings, even though he wont admit it I believe secretly he loves it. Who wouldn't want to come home to a group of good friends, good food and lively conversation.

This is a legitimate product review site, that brings a great twist to any social gathering. When you apply for a party and actually get in it seems you will receive a ton of party planning items. Most of the promotional items can be used time and time again.

I implore you to check out

Currently that are looking for applications to the following upcoming parties.


If you are selected to host, your amazing FREE party package will include:
1 Laugh & Learn™ Smart Bounce & Spin Pony™
1 Laugh & Learn™ Fun with Friends™ Musical Table
1 Amazing Animals™ Spinnin’Around Musical Zoo
1 Go Baby Go Crawl & Cruise Musical Jungle™
10 Fisher-Price toys to share with your guests, including Poppity Pop™, Rock-A-Stack®, and Friendly Flip Phone™
10 Infant Product Guides
10 coupons for the Fisher-Price online store


A Party Pack that your brain—and your guests—will love!
15 boxes of Kellogg’s Live Bright™ Double Chocolate brain health bars
15 boxes of Kellogg’s Live Bright™ Dark Chocolate Vanilla brain health bars
1 Big Brain Academy board game
Live Bright™ product coupons to share with your guests
15 branded word scramble games


You’ll receive a party kit with everything you need to plan a fun and flavorful party for 13 guests. We’ll also include special gifts just for you.
Your guests will leave with a new outlook on low-fat eating, plus a goody bag filled with fabulous and inspirational freebies.


A Party Pack Worthy of TNT for you and your guests:
1 DVD, featuring an episode of the new TNT series Raising the Bar
A Raising the Bar cup for you and your guests
A Special treat for you and your guests
And Raising the Bar paper products necessary to make a fun party

Sunday, August 3, 2008

OMAC Cooking Anyone?

I have decided that this months food shopping will be dedicated to saving me not only money but time.

I am in the process of compiling a list of family friendly freezable recipes and I will attempt to take an entire weekend (hopefully the weekend after next) and do nothing but cook. I have already see some troubles I may come across and will work the next two weeks to minimize the impact these bumps may have on my days of cooking.

This week I plan on figuring out how many pounds of this, ounces of that, tbs. of this, and the oh don't forget a dash or two of this also. I am hoping that the in-laws will accept Yum Yum into their humble abode, in exchange for some extra dishes should their be any.

I will also attempt (next week) to get all of my cleaning and organizing of our apartment to a point where a full weekend of not picking up, putting away, tossing or packing away wont throw me into a whirl wind of ooey gooey omg I need to move state of mind. I will wash all my pots and pans, take an inventory of all measuring cups, sort out my Tupperware and reorganize my top freezer and my deep freezer.

I plan on shopping this Saturday (hopefully without Yum Yum and while Sporty and DH are at football practice), and hope to chop, peel and separate my ingredients. That is IF I am able to find all the items I need.

Next week I will clean and organize, and fit is some ready - getting ready for cook days.