Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Got Teeth !

So this past weekend Sportys dad came to pick him up for one of their boys nights out. I am pretty proud of his dad because after many years of simply being a bump on a log, he is finally becoming one with being a real daddy. He is in constant contact with Sporty on a daily basis, whether through myspace, phone calls or texting. I am happy after many years of telling him that he is missing out on an amazing kid, that he is now realizing how lucky we are that God gave him to us. Even though we were both too young and immature to have a baby. We got the best pick!

Anyway, He comes over friday and while we are sitting in the livingroom waiting for Sporty to get Spiffy, I swear this kid is a little too into his looks. He came out at least 5 times to ask if he looked out, to the point I yelled at him, "DUDE, your going out in the dark (it was about 6:30pm) you are going to sit in a dark theatre for 2+ hours then you are going to an arcade! No one will notice that your blacks are two different colored blacks!!!!!"
Sports dad and I started talking about his grade and his behavoir, to which I have no real complaints he is in the 86% in school and he is always home by curfew. I did however ask his dad to speak to him about his attitude ( which I know at 12 y/o it is only normal). I said that Sports attitude and the way he talks to his brother, me and hubby sometimes makes me want to knock his head through a wall.
To this Sports dad replies -with an attitude himself I might add - well what do you expect he has OUR ATTITUDES!!!!!
I glared at him and said, "Fuck that, it happens again and he will have NONE OF OUT TEETH!!!!

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